Christmas & Mom's 40th birthday passed into the history books and we took off for a holiday in Mammoth. Jade did not join us as he had special (secret) plans with Sara for New Year's Eve (more on that in a future post). But we DID have Mom, Dad, Lando, Deevs, & Miss M.
The plan had been to leave at 3AM on the 3oth and get to the mountain in time to board/ski that day, but we decided to sleep in instead and got on the road closer to 10AM.
We drove most of the day and stopped for lunch at the Pizza Factory in Lone Pine. Scott & Mel were in England visiting Becky & Frank & Rachel, so we did not get to stop to say "hi" to them.
Lone Pine Pizza Factory
Dad driving - "look at the snow"
At the condo
Getting ready to hit the mountain
Suiting up
Mom & Deevs
Mom & Deevs again - Lando showing us the "super model" camera angle to make us look tall & thin
Waiting for the gondola from the Village to Canyon
Dad & Miss M at lunch
Lando & Mom at lunch (in an attempt to make sure he was not going to make a funny face, I was the one who got caught making a funny face!)
The conditions were pretty darn good and the weather was OK. The storm that was supposed to roll in on New Year's Day passed through as barely a whisper with no measurable snow.
Miss m and Wooly
Family shot
Deevs hurt his back in a fall on a jump attempt. Having also come the week before with Kyle, he was not as dedicated to being on the mountain so we let him go home on Friday with friends & stay with G&G.
Miss M & Mom were both feeling altitude sick and getting colds and were sore... so both of us only went 2 days then stayed in on Saturday (we went to see Avatar). Dad & Lando went together for a half day which started at 12:30. They said it was surprisingly uncrowded (on a Saturday of a holiday weekend) and the weather couldn't have been better. (I was a tiny bit regretful that I didn't go.)
Today is Sunday and I am typing this from the condo. Everyone else is still asleep, but should be waking up shortly when we will hit the road for the 5-6 hours back. (Worth it!!!)