19 years ago on July 20, 1990, our little Lando was born.
(I need to scan and upload some baby and 'little one' photos of the kids... when I do I will update.)He was not the easiest baby or toddler. Strong-willed and determined from day one!
But always tender-hearted, wanting to please, loyal, and (believe it or not) slightly cautious.
He loved to be able to quantify things and explain things with numbers and percentages. "Mom, I like steak WAY better than chicken... I'll bet 93% of people like steak better than chicken."
He has always had a strong sense of justice and fairness. Once you earn his respect and admiration, he will go above and beyond to please you and to earn your respect... loyal to the end. But if he believe someone is unfair or unjust, he will cease to care about anything that person thinks or says. He tends to be a "black and white" thinker... if something is black, it is always black - in all circumstances. But if it is white, it is white... not ifs, ands, or buts about it. He doesn't easily change his thinking either, but once he does, it is fairly locked in unless something comes along to deeply challenge it.
He is a learner and a thinker and a grower. He is SO smart and talented. Our whole family loves to listen to Lando play guitar or piano and sing.
Being related to Lando is a joyful ride.
19th birthday party
Picnic dinner
Grammie ("don't-poke-eyes-out-with-a-stick") and Grampie making marshmallow roasting sticks from hangers. (With TN cousin Mike looking on.)
Roasting marshmallows with "cousin" Ali.
We showed "Yes Man" from a projector on a white sheet screen.
Mike & Lando watching movie.
Around the firepit.
It was a week night (work night) and it got kinda loud, so we had to shut down festivities around 11:15 so we didn't overly annoy our lovely neighbors.